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KMATRIX | milano 2001
KMATRIX | milano 2001
KMATRIX | milano 2001
KMATRIX | milano 2001
KMATRIX | milano 2001
KMATRIX | milano 2001
KMATRIX | milano 2001
KMATRIX | milano 2001
KMATRIX | milano 2001
KMATRIX | milano 2001
KMATRIX | milano 2001

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milano | 2001

Client:  KPMG spa

Address: Via Pisani, Milano

Architect: C. Pollazzon - C. Pensotti - 

G. Pensotti - R. Ubaldi - F. Nafesti

Scope of Work: Space Planning; Projects and Construction Management

Size: 3.000mq

Value:  € 1.700.000

Status: Completed 2001

Good design also means the capability to realize offices using only the 75% of the usable space. The customer can save money by opting for smaller structures that can withstand the same level of activity and postpone the possible use of more capacious buildings in the future. Improve the use of space can become an economic benefit for the life of the building.
This methodology for KPMG, set from the very first achievements, respecting through the years the goal to maintain the standards of image and representation mediated by a reduction of manufacturing costs, has directed the design towards a functional and flexible space planning with a sober and captivating image, from the first renovation project of their offices.
We created an internal landscape, built by architectural and spatial signs. A real interior architecture, stable over time and space, international, with shapes which perfectly fit the image desired by the customer.

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